How do you renew your life?
One thought at a time.
One word at a time.
One step at a time.
Hey!Renée is my middle name. Did you know that the name Renée is French? Yeah.
It means "reborn."
Renée. Reborn. Renewed. Transformed. That's who I am.
Jesus said, "Unless a person is born again (reborn, spiritually transformed, and renewed), he cannot ever see and experience the Kingdom of God"
(John 3:3, Amplified Version).
How did this renewal and transformation happen?
One thought at a time. One word at a time. One step at a time.
If I can do it, anyone can do it.
My life, like yours, has been a series of "ups and bumps."
"Don't you mean 'ups and downs,' Renée?"
That's what I used to say. But one day the Lord caught my attention and let me know that
I needed to change what I had been saying about my life.
(Remember what I said about renewal and transformation happening one word at a time?
These are some of the words I had to change.)
So, yeah. Ups and bumps. Some little ups. Some little bumps. Some big ups. Some really, REALLY big bumps.
But God is faithful!
He smooths out every bump!
Renée and Troy
(joyfully married 29 years)